Sunday, November 29, 2009

Baby's First Thanksgiving

The Cousins

First taste of Thanksgiving goodies.

Not liking them too much.

Happy now that she doesn't have to eat mashed potatoes.

And some photos for fun

Sammy and her tongue at the park.

Sneaking into the pan cupboard.

Sippy cup.

Sitting in her toy box.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mommy's What???

Yes, I'm pregnant again! And this pic is Sammy's reaction to the news : ) We had a doctor's appoiontment on Tuesday and saw the heartbeat. Our due date is June 22, 2010. I have an ultrasound pic but am trying to get a decent scan before I post it. We're both very excited even if this is happening a little sooner than expected. The kids will be 17 months apart. Fortunately I have some friends with kids 16 and 18 months apart so I'm relying on them for advice and reassurance. I've started feeling nauseous and really tired but its not as bad as last time. And its nice to be home this time around even if I have to follow around my newly walking little girl. Sammy is just so much fun we decided to try it again.

Celebrating with a little sparkling cider.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Halloween: Visiting Elsevier

Reunited with her hospital nursery buddy, Walt. They were born one day apart and ended up under the bili-lights together.
Halloween: Trick-or-Treating With her Cousins

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Fun with Samantha

Sammy is now 9 months old! I can hardly believe it. And with that comes a bunch of new milestones and skills. We had her doctor's appointment last Monday and she is now 29.4 inches tall, which puts her in the 96th percentile. And she is 19.5 pounds. I knew she was getting heavier. My arms are killing me! She's become quite a fast crawler and gets around the house all by herself, which has been great. Everyone warned me that life would get tougher when she was mobile but so far life is easier. She used to want me to carry her everywhere. Now if she wants to read books in her room she can go in there herself. I'm definitely getting more done, believe it or not. She HAS figured out how to open a few drawers and pull all the toilet paper off the roll but so far nothing too awful since we are fully baby-proofed. The only thing that worries me is that she likes to climb. She's climbed up on furniture using her little plastic chair and can now get up on the fireplace hearth. I've had to catch her a few times so I worry about what might happen when I'm in the kitchen, etc.

And now for the big news....SAMMY IS WALKING!! That's right, my little girl took 9 steps at Aunt Tracey's house yesterday! She's taken one or two steps here or there but most looked accidental. This was deliberate. She's gotten really good at standing alone and she saw something she wanted and just took off after it. She's not quite as bold at home for some reason but we have gotten 5 steps out of her since coming home. Crawling is still more comfortable and faster but we'll have a regular walker soon I'm sure.
Cute little bug in a rug.

Sitting in her new favorite toy. She's usually standing in it though.

Playing in the car.

With my cousin Kimberly at the zoo. She and Brandon were visting from Texas.

The newly engaged couple! Congratulations!!!!!

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Walking with daddy.

Bryan letting the llama know that he had some grass between his teeth.

Train ride with mommy. I barely fit in that thing!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Samantha at Play

Sitting in her toy basket amid the many toys she has dumped out.

Playing with her Jumperoo...from the outside. She won't sit in it any more.

Enjoying a magazine.

Playing with her food.

Close-up of the floor debris.

Playing with her "teeth".

Playing with the shoes that are now kept in mommy and daddy's room.

Playing in her crib after a nap. Happy girl!